Jim Langley has been an insurance agent with New York Life since 1983. He accepted Christ as Lord and Savior in 1984. Jim and his wife Janet moved to Santa Barbara in late 1986 and they adopted their daughter Faith at birth in Sacramento in 1990. They've faced many challenges in life, but their relationship with the Lord has been the strength they have drawn on through it all. In the Spring of 2014 Jim developed the concept of Fourth Quarter Strategies as a motivational tool to motivate Christian businessmen and other professionals. Helping men realize the difference Christ can make in an individual's life is his area of empahasis. In the Fall of 2014 he brought his FQS discussions to the web. The mailing list has continued to grow and has now developed into an international following through CBMC International's Monday Manna and Noozhawk online news for Santa Barbara. Jim is one of four regular contributors to these "life coaching messages". This website is designed to be a resource to Christians and also to the "unconvinced"; as we all seek to make known our Maker in an intimate relationship. Our hope is just this - that we want you to experience God in all aspects of your life so that you place your trust in Him implicitly. In time, other literary works of the author will be added to this website to hopefully inspire you in your life journey.